Monday, February 28, 2011

Learning Journal 18

I read, "Helping, Fixing or Serving?" by Remen. I really liked this article. It really made me think about the differences between helping, fixing, and serving. The two stories that were told really made me think about how easy it is for people to become a number, or just another customer. Or how easy it is for someone to see a problem and want to fix it for someone else but forget that that person has a story too. They have needs, wants, desires, and dreams. I think it is very easy to get caught up in life and doing things that you forget what is most important to remember. People you see everyday are not just a number or a customer. They are just like you. They have dreams. They have feelings and you can't treat them like a number. I thought about how this relates to doing a field study. I realized that its really important while we are interviewing people to remember that they aren't just a number. That they aren't just another person to interview. They are an individual with needs, wants, and desires. Everyone you interview is different and its really important to keep that in mind.

1 comment:

  1. I like your thoughts on seeing people as people and not numbers. Do you have any ideas on how you can communicate to the people you are spending time with that you see them as an individual?
